1st Grade Rules


The goals for the EPBA 1st grade coach pitch program are:

  • Ensure that the experience is positive and fun for all players.
  • Build on the basic fundamentals of baseball. Begin to teach the players individual fielding, throwing and hitting skills.

Coaches Responsibility

Coaches primary responsibilities are as follows:

  • Ensure that all players get equal participation and attention
  • Maintain equipment throughout the season.


  1. A game consists of 75 minutes. The first 15 minutes should be practice. No inning will be started that cannot be completed in the time frame.
  2. The defensive team will have 6 players on the field for the following positions: Pitcher, Catcher, First Base, Second Base, Short Stop, and Third Base.
  3. When the batter hits the ball into the outfield past the players, the batter cannot proceed past second base.
  4. Coaches should provide equal playing time for all players, regardless of ability.
  5. All players will bat in an inning, bases will be cleared after three (3) outs.
  6. Bases are 45 feet apart. No leading off, stealing, overthrows, or additional bases.
  7. Base coaches will make the calls at the bases. Players thrown out must return to the bench.
  8. The batting order is continuous through the entire team through the entire season (regardless of whether playing in the inning). Establish one batting order for the entire season. EPBA recommends that this be completed in # order for simplicity and consistency. (i.e. If batter # 6 is the last batter of the game, batter # 7 leads off the next game.
  9. Each players gets ten (10) pitches, then sits down (not out). Note: There are no strike outs for this age group. Outs must be recorded on the bases.
  10. Overthrows of any kind are limited to one base. Advancing runners must stop when the fielding team returns the ball to the infield.
  11. Players should change fielding positions each inning.
  12. The defensive team may have up to three coaches on the field for instructional purposes. It is recommended that the offensive team have a batting coach, two base coaches and a pitcher coach that will pitch to his/her own players.
  13. Pitching is the responsibility of the coach. If the coach or assistant coach do not feel adequate to pitch, the coach from the opposing team may pitch for both teams. The player acting as pitcher should stand to the side of the pitching coach and field any balls that come towards the pitching area - not the coach.
  14. Coaches call rainouts and weather delays. Safety is the utmost. If rain exists, the coaches need to conference and determine if the game should be delayed or cancelled. If lightning is observed, the play is to be halted and the field cleared until no lightning is observed for 30 minutes before play can be resumed. Play can continue after the weather threat has passed. If it is obvious that the weather condition will not dissipate in a reasonable period of time, the game is to be called. Practices or games that are rained out may be rescheduled, if possible, with the commissioner.

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