About Us

The Eden Prairie Baseball Association is an all volunteer non-profit organization. The Association consists of 18 board members and non-voting associate board members. The board meets the second Monday of each month throughout the year. Board meetings are open to the public. Board members are elected by the board to three year terms. Board members and Associate Board members need to volunteer for three committees.

The Executive board of the EPBA consists of the President, Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer. Officers of the Board are elected to one year terms at the October board meeting. Members of the board and associate board members form committees: travel, marketing/social media, equipment, uniforms, registration, fundraising, tournaments, field scheduling, field maint.

The EPBA is divided into two divisions; Community League and Travel. The Vice President of each division is elected at the October board meeting. Full board meeting at 8:00 p.m. and include board members, associate board members, level commissioners and are open to the public.

Bylaws for the Eden Prairie Baseball Association are actively maintained, with the most recent revision dating November 2024 and available for download.

Mission Statement

 The Eden Prairie Baseball Association is dedicated to preparing children for life through the game of baseball and the accountable acts of our core values. 

Meeting Minutes

Monthly meeting minutes, dating back to 2019, are available on our Google Drive.

EPBA Board Members

Open Positions

  • VP of Operations
  • Concessions Operations (paid)
  • Assistant Communications

Interested in one of these roles? Please let us know!

Executive Committee

President: Kevin Thompson (Term expires 2026)

VP of Baseball: Ryan Koepp (Term expires 2025)

VP of Operations: Open (Term expires 2027)

Secretary: Eric Caron (Term expires 2026)

Treasurer: Emily Serkaian (Term expires 2025)

Full Board Members - BASEBALL DIVISION

Field Scheduling: Kerry Pricco (Term expires 2026)

Team Formation & Scheduling: Susan Joehl (Term expires 2027)

Player Development: Chad Wessels (Term expires 2026)

Player Evaluations: James Thompson (Term expires 2025)

Coach Management: Maddy Rodriguez (Term expires 2025)

Fall Ball Director: Justin Sullivan (Term expires 2027)

Full Board Members - ADMIN DIVISION

Fundraising: Cyrea Lynch (Term expires 2026)

Marketing & Outreach: Zac Gleason (Term expires 2025)

Tournament Director: Trevor Huinker (Term expires 2025)

Uniform Director: Michelle Peterson (Term expires 2025)

Umpires: Open (Term expires 2025)

Field Maintenance: Mike Schraml (Term expires 2025)

Equipment Director: Anna Anderson (Term expires 2027)

Registration Director: Katie Bishoff (Term expires 2026)

Volunteer Coordinator: Amy Boyle (Term expires 2027)

Legion Head Coach: Mike O'Brien (Term expires )

EP Baseball Varsity Coach: Scott Hackett (Term expires )

EPBA Non-Voting Board Members

  • Concessions Procurement - Shannon Rahkola
  • Concessions Operations - Open
  • Miracle League - Amy Kirby
  • Assistant Treasurer - Amy Rode
  • Assistant Tourney Director - Keith Brady
  • Assistant Field Maintenance - Bjorn McGillan
  • Assistant Communications - Open
  • Michael Lane - Associate
  • Mustafa Ergun - Associate
  • Jessica McGillan - Associate
  • Joe Petersen - Associate
  • Matt Smith - Associate
  • Justin Sullivan - Associate

Join or Attend the EPBA Board

Please contact [email protected] if you're interested in joining the board or attending the next board meeting.

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